Chords Part 1
In this tutorial we are going to be talking about chords. If you havent read the scales tutorial you should probably go back and do that this tutorial assumes you have a basic knowledge of scales.
Above you can see a picture of the C Major scale. You can see the C, E, and G keys are marked that is a C major chord. Most popular chords foundation are based off three keys. The Root key which is the bottom note, The 3rd key from the root which is E above and the 5th key counting from the root note which is G here. You can apply the 1-3-5 pattern to any note in any scale. Practice that it will come quickly.
F.Y.I.Knowing the notes of the scale you're playing is part of the foundation of music theory.
Well thats it for now I will be back to talk about 7th's and chord inversions in part 2.
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